The way the Internet functions is always changing rapidly. Attempting to document how online information has been accessed from the 1990s to the present has involved such rapid shifts and transformations it’s hard to even measure. Between the advent of social media sites and the advertising tools like Google AdWords, how people access and engage with content is ever evolving. Here are three tips to keep your own strategies up to date.
1. Quality Matters More than Saturation
While one of the key ideas behind search engine optimization is literally optimizing your content with keywords, as SEO has grown more sophisticated, so have the ways that users connect to content. Search Engine Watch recommends that a good way to refine and reevaluate content to improve your rankings and customer conversion rates is to try and think like a reader, rather than a search engine. When you deal primarily with metrics and keyword silos for too long, it’s easy to forget what thinking from an organic point of view is like. The worst thing you can do in today’s SEO market is become a content farm. Both people and search engines are far too savvy.
2. The Standards Still Apply
While some approaches to SEO strategies get outdated, such as keyword stuffing, there are other principles that still hold true. This includes effective link building within your site, as well as optimization so that search engines can more easily find and interpret your content. One of the biggest perks of maintaining these elements of your site is also to boost organic traffic.
Search engine optimization is still a very effective way to maximize your business’s online visibility. The biggest change from past practices going into the future, though, is more focus on actual content and less on the hard metrics. There’s a balance to be found between these two things, and the best way to go about it is not letting your attention sway in one direction too far. If you’re working with a professional SEO company, then it’s also important to ensure they’re also taking a balanced approach to how to optimize your content.