How to Take the Best Care of Your Dog

by | Jun 30, 2017 | Pet Care

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“A pet is a big responsibility.”

These are the words you’ve most likely heard as a young child begging your parents for a puppy. Now that you’re about to adopt a new pooch as an adult, these same words are likely ringing around in your head amongst all of your excitement! It’s true having a pet can be a rewarding and fulfilling experience. However, just as your new dog will show you only the utmost affection, you should do the same by investing in the best care for them. Here are a few pet care tips for first-time (and perhaps even veteran) pet owners to keep in mind.

Don’t Forget Travel Safety

Proper car safety is just as important for dogs as it is for humans, especially as you travel together along Fanwood roads. That classic scene of the dog poking its head from the car window can be quite dangerous! Your dog could easily escape from the vehicle, whether by jumping out or falling out due to traffic mishaps. As tempting as it may be, you don’t want to let your dog simply roam about the car as they please. Instead, it’s better to buckle them in with either a car kennel or harness.

Keep Them Stimulated

One of the most important aspects of pet care in Fanwood is keeping your dog entertained! A stimulated dog is a happy dog, and a happy dog is less likely to be bored and destructive. Be sure to play with your pooch as often as you can and provide them with lots of toys to occupy themselves with.

Stay on Top of Their Medical Needs

Your dog is on the delicate side in terms of health, so you’ll have to invest in proper health care on a regular basis. Be sure to keep track of its checkups and medications, keep its shots up to date and various other medical aspects of pet care in Fanwood. Doing this will help your pet to live a longer, healthier and happier life!

If you want your pet to receive top-notch pet care in Fanwood, even while you’re away, get in touch with K9 Resorts! They’ve made a name for themselves in terms of excellence in pet care and comfort.