Many companies make use of ID cards for identification purposes and to grant access to various areas of the building. This means employees need to carry these ID cards at all times and need a place where they can be easily accessed. However, when you are dealing with ID lanyards, you can actually use them for more than just holding your ID. The plastic pouch on the end can serve multiple purposes.
ID Card
The main purpose of this type of lanyard with a plastic pouch on the end is to hold your ID card where you can flash it whenever necessary. When you carry your ID card on this lanyard, everyone will know you work for the company and will be able to more easily identify you. Your company may actually require you to more readily display your card, making ID lanyards a necessity.
Business Cards
If you are someone who frequently hands out business cards, you may be able to make use of the ID pouch on the bottom of your lanyard. Fill up the pouch with your business cards so you always have them ready when you need them. You can easily pull out a business card and hand one to someone without worrying about running out or giving them a crumpled business card they are more likely to throw away.
Whether you are heading out to lunch or you want to keep a little money on your for the vending machines, your ID pouch on your lanyard is a great place. You are less likely to lose your money when you put it in this pouch than if it was in your pocket and you kept taking items in and out of your pocket. Keeping this cash in your sight will ensure it is safe from theft. This makes it a better option than keeping change or a few dollars in your desk instead.
While most people use ID lanyards as the place to keep their employee identification cards, there are actually other uses for them as well. You can place some of your business cards in the lanyard ID pouch so you always have one you can easily reach to give to someone spur of the moment. You can also keep a little cash in the pouch so you have something when you are hungry and need a snack out of the vending machine. There are many other uses you can discover as well.