Many individuals are aware of and have some level of comprehension of lead; nonetheless, you may be curious about the meaning of the word “abatement.” The following is an example of the definition. Abatement is a word that refers to the cessation, reduction, or weakening of anything. When speaking of lead paint abatement in San Antonio, this phrase refers to reducing or removing the dangerous substance on the surface.
Where You Find Lead Paint
You may get a general estimate of the likelihood that lead-based paints are present depending on the age of a structure. According to some research, the EPA estimates that many homes with lead exposure were built between 1940 and 1978. Homes constructed before 1940 have an 87% likelihood of having lead paint.
If there are so many homes where lead contamination is possible, think of all the other commercial and industrial buildings that may be contaminated with this hazardous substance. You should call 1 Priority Coating & Bridge Painting if you have any concerns about an older building.
Importance of Lead Paint Abatement
The truth remains that lead paint is still present in many of the country’s historic structures, which number in the thousands. The body will experience negative consequences if lead exposure is sustained over time. Working or living near lead-based paint and breathing contaminated lead particles floating in the air of damaged property are two ways lead can enter the body.
Anyone may get lead poisoning at any age, but those at risk—like young children, the elderly, and people with compromised immune systems—seem to get it worst. Therefore, lead paint abatement in San Antonio should be done as fast and safely as possible.