Litigation Lawyers in Mankato, Minnesota

by | Feb 18, 2020 | Lawyers

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When someone is suing you it brings an added burden to a life that’s already full. And oftentimes, getting into a legal struggle is the least of things we expect in our day. But, there’s no way around it when someone is taking you to court.

You just need to take the next step, a course of action that can at least relieve you of some stress; getting litigation lawyers in Mankato, MN. to represent you.

A litigation lawyer is someone who’s on your side to defend you in court. He’s bound by law and by his profession to apply all possible legal ways to acquit you. And if there’s a way to work out a plea deal with the plaintiff, he’ll confer with you and work out a possible plea agreement on your behalf.

His role is to be by your side and fight for you in court from the beginning to the end, including any decisions for an appeal.

At Blatz Law Office, you’re getting a legal team that has broad experience in litigation. We work hard on ending your legal disputes as soon as possible, starting with getting to a successful mediation. We also have alternative ways to a resolution without having to go to court through Social Early Neutral Evaluation (SENE) or Financial Early Neutral Evaluation (FENE).

So, whether you’re in a property disagreement, a separation arrangement, a divorce, or post-dissolution disputes, let us be your litigation lawyers in Mankato, MN.

Call us at 507-934-2556 for a free consultation and let’s find out how we can help you.

Watch our Video on YouTube.