Maintenance & Rental Management

by | Jul 3, 2013 | Real Estate

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Keeping properties maintained is not always easy, and it can be a real pain at times.  However, routine maintenance is essential if you want to keep your tenants happy.  It is your responsibility, as a landlord, to ensure your properties are kept in good livable condition, regardless of whether the tenant has caused the problem or whether the issues are from normal wear and tear.  Some things you will be responsible for include, but may not be limited to, appliance replacement, heating system faults, plumbing, and other things that may crop up.  Repairs can be time-consuming, and landlords can pay a fortune in maintenance costs if they lack experience and have to hire professional maintenance technicians to get things done correctly.  The way to avoid this is to hire a well-known rental management Inverness company.  They will be able to handle these tasks, and they can get things done for much cheaper prices than what landlords are able to get.


One main benefit of hiring a rental management company is that they always plan for expenses, and they have contacts that will allow them to get services and products for very cheap prices.  The recommended amount for maintenance repairs is 1½ times that of a month’s rent, so if you receive rental income of $500 a month, then you should actually set aside $750 for the full-term of the yearly lease.  Rental management companies work with you to ensure you have a stable maintenance plan.  With one of these companies on your side, you will never have to worry about getting maintenance tasks covered again.


Laws play a huge part in your maintenance decisions.  Every rental property must meet local and state building codes and fire codes.  All commercial rental properties, such as large apartment complexes, will be inspected thoroughly by state or local officials, and the inspectors are very strict if conditions are not met.  Rules are different for each state, so you will need the services of a competent property manager who conducts business in the state where your properties are located.  You need to choose a company that strictly follows all laws and regulations in place.  Penalties and fines may be imposed if you violate any regulations in place.  They should have extensive state and local experience so that you are fully protected.