Make Your Trade Show Exhibit Stand Out

by | Mar 6, 2013 | Business Services

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Your trade show exhibit tells a lot about your business to the people who are attending the show. This is a good thing because the purpose of a trade show is to garner interest in your business. This is why it is so important for you to pay close attention to what exactly your exhibit setup says about your business. If you aren’t careful, you can send the wrong message to those who visit your booth.

Be Creative

One of the most boring aspects of a trade show is how similar so many of the booths can be. Sometimes it feels as though every booth is simply an extension of the last with a different name on all the brochures and documentation. This is why it is so important for you to think creatively when you are planning your exhibit. Think about what can really make people stop and wonder what you have to offer that is so different from anyone else. Brainstorm with your team to come up with the best options.

Promotional Materials

People love to get things for free; however, they get tired of the same items, such as pens, pads of paper or other cheap trinkets. Instead, think about something your potential customers could really use. While some of these products can be a little more expensive, the extra cost can be well worth it in the end. For instance, try providing USB drives, reusable bags or umbrellas so your potential customers can actually use the product and think of you every time they do.

Use Technology

Implement technology into your innovative trade show exhibit to really grab the attention of the consumer. Play videos that showcase what your business can offer or play a fun game with your potential customers. Offer a way for people to sign up for your email list. You may even want to provide a computer with Internet access to allow those who visit your booth to take a look at your website or browse through your online catalog.

There are many things you can do to make your trade show exhibit really stand out from your competitors. If you offer the same boring booth everyone else is using, you will blend right in with everyone else, reducing the chances of anyone remembering you. Instead, you need to exercise a little creativity, provide fun promotional products and make use of technology right in your booth for the greatest impact.