Making The Most Of Car Wraps

by | Sep 12, 2017 | Printing

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If you have driven around any major city or small town in the United States you have undoubtedly not only seen but taken the time to read vehicles that are wrapped. This latest in advertising option is a great way to get your brand in front of a large potential customer base with just a very small investment.

Unlike a billboard, online or mailing campaign, the use of car wraps to advertise a small business is a cost effective option. This is particularly true if the wraps are on vehicles that are driven around the communities where you currently do business and into communities or areas where you are trying to get into the market.

What to Add

While it is important to make the design on car wraps interesting, colorful and eye-catching, your central message and takeaway for the customer has to be the main focus of the advertisement and the design.

Consider the most important thing you want the customer to remember when they see the vehicle. It will typically include your business name as well as perhaps a phone number of website.

As pictures or images are easier to remember than a lot of text, and also much easier to see when the vehicle is moving, consider adding an original photo, image or graphic as well as that will also stand out.

What to Avoid

Avoid overcrowding information and images on the car wraps. For example, don’t list every service or product you sell, instead use a company slogan or branding message to provide a snapshot of what your business will provide.

Avoid using any type of image that is blurry or difficult to understand. You want the person seeing the vehicle to be able to see the car and immediately understand your marketing campaign and what you do.

Finally, avoid any images, color combinations or graphics that may be misunderstood or seen as offensive to the community. Check with different people before finalizing the project and make sure there is nothing that could be misinterpreted within the design.

For experienced, professional vinyl car wraps, contact the printing experts at New York Banner Stands. There is also additional information .