Meeting Your Contract Packaging Design Needs

by | Jul 29, 2013 | Business Services

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With so many unique ways to present packages these days, contract packaging design has become an increasingly important of how innovators or manufacturers of products present their goods.  Firms that focus on package design can give a manufacturer a much needed boost of their competition. Polls indicate that 76% of purchasing decisions are made at the point of purchase. This fact indicates that products must make a connection with consumers. With increasing consumer goods in every industry category, standing out from the crowd requires unique designs that grab a customer’s attention, reflect the products uniqueness, and, of course, lead to a purchase. Some of the potential effects of package design are discussed here.

Maximizing Return on Investment

The bottom line for your company is maximizing your return on the time and energy you and employees put into the business. Hiring a contract packaging design company to understand a product and create a design that meets your unique needs is a key part of maximizing return. Products in dull packaging are overlooked on shelves even if they function better than their competition. This is particularly important for products which are viewed as similar to consumers, such as liquid soap.  The function may be similar but the containers, which have to be used regularly in consumers bathrooms or kitchens, can sell the produce and lead to higher return.

Helping Customers Understand Your Company’s Respect for Nature

A growing number of customers are concerned about whether products they purchase harm the environment or not. A key part of this is the package. Large packages made of materials which take hundreds of years to biodegrade are literally going the way of the dinosaur and becoming obsolete because customers try to avoid them, leading to lower sales for companies that use them. Companies that offer contract packaging design can develop sustainable package models which are compostable, made from recyclable products, and also appealing to customers. This added design effect can mean the final piece of a package’s design which hooks the customers and gets them to buy.

For all of your thermoforming and packaging needs, choose Package Development Company. Their professionals provide high quality design through fulfillment for all of your thermoforming and packaging needs.