Filing for Social Security disability is a daunting task. After all, what many people filing for Social Security don’t realize is the majority of applicants for Social Security disability benefits are turned down the first time around. Social Security statistics show only 30% of all claims are approved the first time around, leaving 70% of all applicants declined, often wondering why.
According to advice given by a Social Security Attorney In Oklahoma City OK, those who plan to apply for disability Social Security should start planning in advance of the actual filing. A great deal of paperwork should be done before you ever start filling out your inital application. Experts advise applicants to start by making a list of every job they have held, going back for 15 years. With this list, you need the names of the companies you worked for, their address and phone number as well as the job title you held, duties you performed and the dates in which you worked there.
The next step in your pre-application process is to put to paper all of your medical treatments and where they took place. In this list, include the names of the doctors who treated you, the condition they diagnosed you with and the symptoms you experienced leading up to the appointments. The Social Security administration is looking for the reasons why you became disabled and the complete limitations you now possess due to the conditions.
Some Oklahoma Attorneys also recommend you send recent medical records along with your application. Even though the SSA can request your medical records, this can be delayed by months due to slow response times. By sending in the correct medical records, the authorities can see right from the beginning that the claim is ready to be processed. However, when obtaining your records, make sure to have the records from all your sources of treatment, have medical treatment records from the last 90 days and have records from the time the disability first began.
By taking the time to do these steps before completing your application, you increase the odds in your favor of having an “approved” on the first try. To know more Visit the website