One-Size-Fits-All Landscape Design In Fresno CA Gives Way To A Focus On Locale

by | Feb 1, 2024 | Landscape Designer

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Landscape Design in Fresno CA once meant elaborate hedges and lush, green lawns, intricate flower beds and gracefully curving pathways. While some few homes today still sit in such relatively ostentatious kinds of surroundings, many lie in more natural-feeling yards. In fact, those interested in having their own yards designed and upgraded in one fashion or another have more options today than ever before.

In general, contemporary Landscape Design in Fresno CA emphasizes the use of native plants and grasses that are appropriate to the needs of particular clients. In the desert, for example, this can mean xeriscaping treatments that make heavy use of succulents and other plants that need little in the way of water. Not only do these approaches relieve homeowners of the need to obsessively care for and oversee their yards, they can also help homes fit more naturally into their existing surroundings.

Heading further, the important considerations change once again. For example, long, seasonal freezes become an important factor in any landscape design, so that designers typically begin to prefer plants that will weather such downtime especially well. That fact contributes to the increasing popularity of evergreen shrubs around homes, as well as variety of other, similarly cold-resistant plants.

The generic American yard of days past, then, is just as likely to be a bygone thing as the complicated hedge arrangements that now seem so quaint to many. Designers and architects who have come to appreciate the importance and appeal of locality invariably produce work that helps homes to feel like more natural and comforting places. Get in touch with Lidyoff Landscape Develop Co for more INFO!