Buying and selling residential and commercial real estate in Fredericton NB can be a simple process as long as you don’t care too much about the price you’re paying. You walk in the door, have a look around, and tell the seller that you’ll take it. The only problem with this kind of transaction is that it can be as expensive as it is easy. Knowing that you will buy it regardless means the seller doesn’t need to show any flexibility on terms or price. This is why you need an experienced local realtor on your side.
You want someone who knows what fair market value is in the surrounding area. The only way to know this is to keep a close eye on the real estate listings in Fredericton NB. Your agent knows what homes and commercial properties are selling for and under what terms. He knows that your leverage varies depending on the strength of the market. When a market is hot, the seller is in the driver’s seat. When it is slow, the buyer calls the shots. Yet, in either case, your agent is there to shade the odds in your favor.
Residential and commercial real estate in Fredericton, NB doesn’t always move in aligned cycles. Once could be on the upswing even as the other might be tailing off a bit. Micaiah Gosman REALTOR, is the one man who can walk you through all of the real estate listings in Fredericton NB.