It has been almost a decade now since the CBD crazy fully took root. They now have CBD in all types of forms for everyone to try, including in carts, pens, and pods! Why has this occurred? Well, part of the reason would probably have to be due to the tremendous health benefits that CBD can have on the human body. Just consider some of the following advantages.
CBD Can Relieve Pain
Even in carts form, CBD has been anecdotally shown to have tremendous pain relief benefits for proponents of it. Indeed, cannabis has a long history of treating pain, with records of it going back as far as 2900 B.C. One of the main reasons for this is because the body has a system called the endocannabinoid system, and this pathway is responsible for regulating different functions, including sleep, immune system, appetite, and yes, pain sensation. Basically, cannabis works by affecting the receptors in this system.
CBD Could Benefit Heart Health
There have been several studies that have shown that CBD can have a positive impact on heart health. For example, there was one such study that had nine healthy men who were treated with both a CBD product and a placebo. The CBD product was shown to reduce their resting blood pressure much quicker than a placebo.
CBD Could Reduce Cancer-related Symptoms
There have been a few cases where CBD has reduced cancer-related symptoms such as vomiting, nausea, and pain. There was an old study among 170 patients that showed promise for them when typical cancer side-effect meds did not work for them. Although more research is needed in a lot of these cases, there is no question that utilizing CBD in carts, pens, and pods can be very beneficial!