Positive Traits to Look for in a Dentist

by | May 23, 2013 | Dentistry

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Many parents around the world share something in common – their children suffer from a serious fear of the dentist. It takes a lot of effort for a parent to coax a child to go to the dentist even when there is pain from a dental condition or disorder. A children’s dentist in Long Island will take extra care with a child that is scared of their equipment. They will go through the extra effort to explain procedures so that it will ease the patients concerns.

Not All Kids Are Created Equal

A good children’s dentist in Long Island understands that a child has different needs than an adult does. These dentists are prepared to tackle the hyperactive, punches, and screams that some children display in the dental office. It is extremely important for a dentist and his staff to be able to coax a child that does not want to open their mouth for any procedures to be performed. Child psychology provides helpful insights that help dentists be able to relate to a child and to help the understand the positive effects of the treatment.

Teaching Abilities

A parent should choose a children’s dentist in Long Island that has the ability to educate their child about keeping up with healthy oral hygiene and teeth cleanings. Helping children learn about tooth decay or other health issues. This will instill a good sense of responsibility and it will also mean less dental work as they head into the teen years. It is important to instill the basics of oral hygiene so that they will carry on those same habits as adults.

Emotional Control

A good dentist has the patience and understanding that there are times when a child is unable to control their emotions. Sometimes they will cry, scream, turn red, or throw a fit over the smallest amount of pain or the tiniest prick of a needle. A good dentist will be patient and has the ability to relate to a child and to help them calm down in these types of situations. The dental office should have a relaxed and soothing environment. This will help children act out in few tantrums. The waiting room should be decorated in a way that it helps to provide a distraction and keep the child from focusing on his or her fear of the appointment.