Removing Cabinetry and Replacing Cabinet Doors in Missouri Kitchens

by | Jul 15, 2022 | Cabinets

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In the residential setting, the kitchen is typically the only room where the walls of cabinets don’t look out of place. A trend in recent years has been to renovate kitchens and remove all or most of the cabinetry above the countertop line. To further update the room’s appearance, homeowners may want to replace the doors of cabinets that remain. Renovating kitchen cabinet doors can be done with products from an area supplier.

A Focus on Minimalism

Home interior design experts find this trend fascinating because it goes against more traditional choices. Homeowners usually have wanted more cabinets added instead of removing storage space. Recently, though, a focus on minimalism has developed. That encourages people to consider what possessions they don’t need.

A Sleeker Look

So much kitchen storage can lead households to keep items they never use. When exactly is the last time someone used the red cordial glasses received years ago as a questionable Christmas gift? Their room will look sleeker without the upper cupboards and more attractive after installing wholesale cabinet doors of their choice.

In any other room, walls of cabinetry would look out of place and make the area feel cramped. People have become accustomed to this in kitchens. Yet when they see kitchens with walls instead of cupboards, they understand how spacious the room feels.

A New Look

There’s an opportunity now to extend the preferred paint color across walls and add touches of bold hues for accents. Further renovating with kitchen cabinet doors makes the space look even better.

A broad array of wholesale cabinet doors is offered by Intenzi, which provides details at intenzi today.