Schedule Your Next Doctor’s Appointment in the Comfort of Your Own Home

by | Jan 18, 2019 | Health

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The time of inconveniently scheduled doctor’s appointments with unavoidable wait times have become a thing of the past. This has happened thankfully because a familiar friend has resurfaced from the past, the house call. After all of these years, guess who decides to show up at your door, your physician. Timing is great because you’ve been feeling a bit ill and a long wait at the doctor’s office is not what you need. Changes and improvements to way physicians are doing things has patients all over Westmont IL requesting house calls.
A Team of Professionals
Of course a service of this magnitude is a bit strange to this day and age but years ago, it was the only way to see the doctor for many people. Time and technology brought many changes and in order to receive medical treatment, a visit to the office was the only option. All of the physicians and physician’s assistants that participate in this service have the professional and ethical credentials required to serve in a medical capacity. Specialty care and immediate medical treatment can be obtained through house calls that are always met by a licensed and fully qualified medical professional. The convenience factor is that patients aren’t having to wait to find out the severity of their illness or to receive treatment for their existing one. There have been many patients gone untreated due to their inability to go through the inhumane ER treatment or mistreatment some would call it.
Safety Measures
The idea of having medical care in the privacy of your own home is a pleasant one but as with any service provider, safety must be considered. All of the physicians and their assistants are properly screened and verified through their accreditations as well. None of them will every make a house call without proper identification and clearly identified as a representative of the service. All of the medical staff of the house call service provider has the best interest of the patient in mind. There are measures in place to make sure the patient as well as the physician is as comfortable as possible. This is an old practice that has reappeared in the health care industry and it is the primary goal of the provider to make quality service a priority.
North American Emergency Medical Center offers state-of-the-art family care and sickness prevention for families.