Headache, a very common condition, is one of the most common reasons for visiting the doctor. These affect most people at least once in their life. Headaches affect millions of people worldwide and can make a real limitation in their daily lives. Women are more prone to headaches than men, but everyone should be seen by their Clinic in Kihei if they persist.
Headaches can occur frequently, but generally they are of low intensity. Over 95% of headaches are due to benign causes; it is necessary to investigate the cause of some headaches as they may be due to more serious pathologies. When a person suffers from a headache, even if it is benign, they need to consult a doctor. This professional can determine the urgency of the pain and then indicate an analgesic treatment to control it.
Frequency, location, behavioral signs and duration of headaches vary by diagnosis. Headaches can be acute or moderate and can be chronic or violent in the past. Headaches can evolve and then disappear or, conversely, become permanent. The location of headaches varies greatly from person to person. Headaches can occur on one side or both sides of the skull. Headaches may affect only the area where they are located or the whole skull in general. Some cases require urgent medical consultation.
When headaches occur violently and with a keen intensity, you should see a doctor immediately. Moreover, this type of headache can be an indicator of meningeal hemorrhage. A meningeal hemorrhage is a true medical emergency. An acute meningeal syndrome is the entry of blood into the subarachnoid spaces of the brain which causes strong headaches.
Seizures may occur with a headache and are indicated by its severity. The appearance of fever or neck stiffness associated with a severe headache may indicate meningitis. In adults and children older than two years, meningitis is characterized by three classic signs: stiff neck, fever and an altered state of consciousness or headache. When the headaches tend to become more serious, you need to see a Clinic in Kihei immediately.
Headaches that occur with a neurological condition: vertigo, numbness of limbs or paralysis, confusional state time or space, sense of double vision, loss of memory for minutes or seconds, it may indicate a stroke. Headaches that occur with nausea and vomiting may indicate meningitis. Click Here to learn more.