Should You Look Around for a Brand-New Bitcoin ATM in Atlanta?

by | Apr 20, 2022 | Financial Services

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Could you tell someone where to find a bitcoin ATM in Atlanta if they asked you about it? You may not have heard about the growing network of crypto ATMs, but that doesn’t mean they’re not there. Today, you can look up a list of the closest ones by checking an online map of ATM locations. Once you’ve found one nearby, you can use it to convert cash into crypto, and it only takes a few minutes.

Where’s the Best Bitcoin ATM in Atlanta?

Engineers designed more than one type of crypto ATM, so finding the right one matters. Some machines only let you buy coins, even though you might be trying to sell. Fortunately, finding the right type is as simple as looking up their info online since it’s all listed.

Buying Bitcoin at an ATM

Satoshi & Genesis ATMs offer an intuitive way to buy coins when you’re on the road. Stop by one after looking it up, and you can buy coins with only a phone number. Once you’ve made an account for the first time, you don’t need to provide more info again.

Selling Bitcoin at an ATM

The Satoshi II 2-Way ATM lets you buy and sell coins, and it handles transactions in cash. So, you can sell LTC, Ether, and BTC in exchange for cash if there’s one nearby. Plus, you’ll never need to give the machine a copy of your private keys, making it highly secure.

RockItCoin Bitcoin ATM manages a BTC ATM network in Atlanta. Visit them at their website at to learn more.