With business seeking greater efficiency in operations and further cost-cutting measures to eliminate expenses and maximize profit, many companies – particularly small and mid-sized operations – no longer have or even never had their own Human Resources departments. These operations have turned to consultancy companies to handle most of those functions regarding management/employee relations which used to be handled in-house. But one area which remains of utmost importance is in regard to workplace safety. This remains imperative whether such functions are handled in-house or not.
Even if a company no longer has its own HR department, it is still required to remain fully compliant with all state and Federal regulations regarding job safety and the maintenance of a hazard-free working environment. This is not only a condition imposed by law but also by market reality. Losses in productive man-hours from on the job injuries and resulting lawsuits filed by labor attorneys can amount to millions of dollars which any business can ill-afford to suffer. It is far better and less expensive in the long run to attend to workplace and employee safety than to run the risk of doing otherwise.
Safety Consulting in Winfield KS provided by trained professionals will walk management through all the legal and practical issues involved in fostering on-the-job safety. In addition to briefing managers in the latest, up-to-date sheaf of regulations enforced by state and Federal authority, they will outline a complete training program in safety for both management and employees. By making all the company personnel, regardless of specific position or place in the hierarchy, partners in creating and maintaining safety standards on-site and in the field, many of the problems which could result from top-down safety management will be avoided through awareness.
In addition, these professional consultants will assist in creating flexible solutions for each business. They will help set training and compliance goals which are realistic and achievable in a timely manner. They can not only guide company personnel through safety issues but tailor each program to work within a specific timeframe and budget. This flexible approach works best to allow companies to craft safety programs for particular working environments and frees management to concentrate on their main business issues.
The Arnold Group provides a full range of services for human resource management including Safety Consulting in Winfield KS. Schedule a consultation if you are a business owner and see what solutions they can craft for you. Like us on Facebook.