Standby Power Generators are a Modern Necessity

by | Mar 10, 2022 | Electronics

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With unpredictable weather patterns and the decaying electrical infrastructure in many regions, it’s no wonder that more and more businesses and homeowners alike are turning to standby power generators In New Jersey to help deal with power outages. The idea is simple, the grid goes down, your generator kicks in and your business is still up and running.

Dangers of Power Interruption

If your business requires temperature control, a power loss can be devastating. Freezers will thaw, coolers will stop cooling and products will spoil. Some businesses have elevators or electric doors that could conceivably leave people trapped in a power outage. If your business is open to the public, you may be forced to close your doors due to lack of lighting, air conditioning or functioning cash registers. Almost all businesses these days depend on computers to some degree, and when a power outage takes those computers down, many businesses will be absolutely paralyzed, with no way to manage inventory, track sales, or manage payroll.

Uninterrupted Power

When the power goes off, standby power generators can kick on almost immediately if they are equipped with an automatic transfer switch, otherwise they can be turned on manually as soon as someone is there to flip the switch. To allow some devices to function completely without interruption, you can put them on an uninterrupted power supply (UPS) which will bridge the gap until the generator kicks in. This combination would allow vital systems like fire alarms, computer services and medical equipment to keep running and not face a dangerous shutdown or lengthy reboot.

Multiple Fuel Options

These days, emergency generators can run on a few different fuel types. One of the easiest to use in terms of maintenance is natural gas. When a generator runs on natural gas, it can be connected to a gas line and basically have an “on demand” fuel supply that never needs refilling. Other fuel choices include propane, diesel, and gasoline, all of which normally require some kind of manual refilling. There is also a dual fuel generator that runs on a combination of natural gas and diesel or gasoline.

To learn more about how a generator can protect your business from power outages and to find the right generator for you, Visit Walter Danley Electrical Contracting LLC.