When applying for Social Security disability, most people choose to go it alone. These individuals are often frustrated when the process does not go quite as it should. There are plenty of reasons to visit a Social Security lawyer in Knox County before you apply, including the following.
#1. Knowledgeable about the process
Disability applications involve what seem like a never-ending amount of paperwork and red tape. You’ll have to provide certain documents and meet specific deadlines in order to move forward. An attorney can make sure that all of your paperwork is up to snuff and that everything is also submitted on time.
#2. Better odds of approval
Statistics show that more than 65% of all claims are initially denied. That number is much lower among applicants who are represented by an attorney. Whether that is due to better, more accurate documentation or simply because administration officials would rather not argue with an attorney is unclear. Regardless of the reason, a Social Security lawyer in Knox County will greatly improve your odds.
#3. Can Help you with an Appeal
Many applicants wait until they receive a denial letter before speaking with an attorney. By that time, they are scrambling to find the right lawyer and fill him or her in on the case. This also means the attorney is reacting to events rather than being proactive about them.
If you already have a Social Security lawyer, you will already be a step ahead of the game. Your attorney will already be well versed on your case, and you will not have to face the daunting task of figuring out who is going to represent you.
You don’t need a Social Security lawyer in Knox County to file a disability claim, but having one will make the ordeal easier. Contact Miller and Drozdowski today to schedule a consultation.
Social Security Lawyer Knox County Social Security Lawyer Knox County