The Advantages of Choosing Mausoleums For The Dearly Departed in Oakland

by | Dec 21, 2020 | Funeral Services

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The Advantages of Choosing Mausoleums For The Dearly Departed in Oakland

In today’s world, those who are planning for what happens to them after they pass have a variety of options to choose from. However, one of the tried and true methods of taking care of the body is to place it in a mausoleum. Here are some of the advantages of doing this.


When compared to a traditional grave, a mausoleum is considered to be a cleaner cemetery service in Oakland, CA. A major part of this reason is that mausoleums tend to be dryer than a subterranean grave. Since mausoleums are airtight, there are no chances of mold or other contaminants entering the area.


Since a mausoleum is essentially nothing more than a building, it can be visited by family and friends throughout the entire year. There are no “downtimes” during the year when weather may prevent people from comfortably paying their respects. There are even very upscale options for mausoleums that have background music and places to sit where the mourners or visitors can have a peaceful time to reflect.


If you are planning on having the family all together in one spot after they pass, then a mausoleum is probably the most cost-effective cemetery service in Oakland, CA. This is because once the mausoleum is built, that is it, there is no further digging or construction to be performed.

If you are interested in purchasing a mausoleum, contact Business Name. They can answer any questions that you may have concerning how the process works and what to expect.