The Importance of Not Contaminating Paper to Be Sent to Cardboard Recycling Services in San Antonio TX

by | Feb 13, 2019 | Recycling

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Cardboard Recycling Services in San Antonio TX are available so area residents don’t have to end up throwing all of this material in the garbage. The companies have tried to make the process easier for consumers over the years to encourage them not to throw recyclable items in the trash. Typically everything can be tossed in the same municipal recycling container or dumpster now, with workers employed to sort all the materials.

The Problem of Contamination

Avoiding contaminating a recycling load with certain substances is becoming more important than ever. China, one of the biggest buyers of recycled materials from the United States, has imposed much stringent standards on items it will accept. Many people don’t realize that tossing a dirty cardboard pizza box in with a container of used paper can contaminate the entire load. Then it goes to a landfill.

China: A Reduced Market

China has also completely stopped accepting certain categories of recycled materials. That cuts the market for these items by more than one-third in some cases. In addition, if manufacturers cannot use the material because of contamination, all of it turns into garbage.

More Cardboard Than Ever

An additional problem has developed in regard to cardboard because of the enormous boom in online retail. Most items are sent in cardboard boxes. U.S. residents wind up with many more boxes every month than was true years ago. They hope to have all that cardboard recycled because they have no use for it. Yet it’s important for them to avoid throwing used paper plates and other dirty items into the recycling container.

Keeping the Paper Stream Clean

Most consumers have embraced the idea of recycling, at least to a large extent, since the concept started being promoted as a decades ago. They appreciate Cardboard Recycling Services in San Antonio TX so they can do something environmentally friendly with all the materials that are no longer useful to them. It helps when they can rely on a facility such as Tiger Sanitation, and they can help by making sure the paper stream stays clean. More information on this particular company can be viewed at You can also connect them on Facebook.