You may be wondering what exactly pediatric dental care is and why it is important for your child’s health. Learn more about what this type of dental care is below.
What Exactly is Pediatric Dental Care?
Pediatric dental care in Bay Village, OH and elsewhere involves the specialized branch of dentistry that is focused on the oral health of children shortly after they are born to their adolescence or teenage years.
As a result, pediatric dentists are especially attuned to and focus on the specific challenges and issues most children will face regarding their oral health as they grow up. This includes such issues as teething (where their baby teeth emerge through the gums), and baby bottle tooth decay (where a baby’s teeth has prolonged, frequent contact with too much sugar, leading to tooth decay).
Why Is This Type of Dental Care Important?
This type of dental care is important for several reasons. One reason is that your child needs to establish good oral health care and hygiene habits and routines at a young age to help ensure their teeth develop as expected and that they have no issues with their ability to eat and digest food. as well as having pleasing smiles as they would expect. Having such care from the beginning can help to establish these routines and help preserve good oral health.
Another important reason for this type of dental care is to help ensure your child has the pleasant smile they will want and expect as they grow up. Failure to have such a smile could negatively impact them psychologically and hurt their well-being, which could negatively impact their self-confidence, their ability to socialize and relate to others, and other complications.
Mikula, DDS Family Dentistry provides quality pediatric dental care in Bay Village, OH to children of all ages. Learn more about Dr. Cynthia Mikula, DDS and the services she provides at