The Many Uses Of Aluminum Disks

by | Sep 28, 2016 | aluminum

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There is a wide range of different applications, fabrications and manufacturing processes that require the use of aluminum disks. These products can be formed to any size including different thicknesses and diameters depending on the specific needs for the individual order.

Typically, they are cut from aluminum plate. Choosing the right alloy will be a critical factor based on the use of the disk and the environment where it will be deployed. For example, for use in marine construction for boats, docks or other types of watercraft the need for high corrosion resistance to salt spray and salt water will be an important consideration.

You will find aluminum disks used across various industries. They can be used in hard drives for computers. These are often known as aluminum core discs or platters and they can be of different alloys, sizes and thicknesses as well.

In some industries, you will find round disks used for capping off tubing or pipes. Using aluminum provides a highly corrosion proof top or bottom of the tube that can be finished to match the tube or pipe or left with mill finish.

Customizing Your Order

When looking for a supplier for aluminum disks considering several different factors will be important. Typically, these disks will be produced through water jet machining as an efficient and effective cutting operation.

Each disk will be perfectly formed to your exact measurements regardless of the thickness of the plate or the size of disk required. As the equipment is fully CNC (Computer Numeric Control) each disk produced from a single piece to hundreds of thousands will be identical to each other.

With the use of water jet machining the edges of the disk will be perfectly formed and smooth, limiting any need for grinding or additional finishing unless you have specific requirements. Typically order pricing will depend on volume, the specific alloy required as well as other factors such as additional machining or finishing.

Shop Around

For orders of any significant quantity of disks, or if you will need an ongoing regular supply as an OEM or fabricator, shop around with different aluminum suppliers and producers.

Taking the time to compare different suppliers for price, additional services offered, shipping and delivery options will always be time well spent. It can also be a good opportunity to ask about different alloys that may help to lower costs or to increase the durability of the aluminum alloy.