There Is Help For Low Back Pain In St. Louis

by | Oct 19, 2015 | Chiropractic

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Low Back Pain in St Louis can make and individual feel very tired and irritable. Even if a new mattress is purchased, it may help some of the lower back pain, but will not help all of it. Adjustments by a chiropractor can help a great deal. When the vertebrae in the back are unable to move freely, a number of different muscular and central nervous system dysfunctions can occur. This prevents an individual from performing at their peak performance throughout the day. It will also increase the feeling of exhaustion and irritability due to the pain.

What can a chiropractor do to help Low Back Pain in St Louis? A chiropractor can make an adjustment on the spine with pressure and just the hands. When the fibrous tissue near the spine is in spasm and mobility is limited, they may place an individual on a decompression table. This table gentle stretches the back and pulls the vertebrae apart. This gives the jell between the bones an opportunity to rehydrate and removes the pressure from the nerves. The chiropractor may give the patient electro stimulation with moist heating pads on the sore areas.

There is no need to be concerned over an adjustment. There are times when individuals hear their finger crack at the knuckle or maybe a pop in the knees. This is the same noise that will be heard when there is an adjustment to the back. It releases gas that is trapped in the joints and offers almost instant relief. There is usually no discomfort with an adjustment and it will help the body to begin operating more efficiently.

An alignment of the spine is similar to the alignment of a car. A car will not drive down the road properly and will give the driver poor gas mileage and wear the tires out. A spine that is out of alignment will make an individual tired, wear their shoes out quickly and cause radiating pain in other parts of the body. There’s no need to live with pain in the lower back any longer. Contact the Back And Neck Care Center for the latest treatment options available to reduce pain without the use of pills.