Things Clients Should Know When Hiring a Defense Lawyer in Manhattan KS

by | Jul 5, 2017 | Lawyers

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It can be a frightening prospect to face criminal charges, but a Defense Lawyer in Manhattan KS ensures that clients don’t have to face them alone. It’s not just a wise decision to have legal counsel when charged with a crime-;it’s a defendant’s Constitutional right. Choosing the right lawyer is crucial, and to help defendants make the right choice, below are several pieces of advice.

Misdemeanor Defendants Need Lawyers

In most cases, it’s advisable to hire a lawyer when facing misdemeanor charges. Many facing such charges don’t take them seriously because the crime and its penalties seem less severe. However, this can be a big mistake, as even a misdemeanor conviction stays on a person’s criminal record. An attorney can protect a client’s rights, arrange a plea bargain and help with record expungement.

Things to Look for in a Defense Lawyer

First, clients should choose an attorney they can trust. Other than that, experience with criminal cases and trials is important; pricing is a crucial consideration for many defendants as well.


The cost of a Defense Lawyer in Manhattan KS depends on a variety of factors. In certain cases, a defendant may be eligible for a public defender. However, if one can afford a private lawyer, the rate typically depends on the attorney’s experience, the nature of the offense and the case’s complexity.

Veterans’ Defense

Veterans can face unique challenges for which they need specific legal services. In many areas, there are courts specifically for veterans who face criminal charges. Similarly, some defense lawyers focus on cases involving military members.

When a Lawyer Gives Bad Advice

This is a true nightmare for a criminal defendant, and it happens more often than it should. If an attorney fails to provide adequate representation, a defendant may be eligible to receive a retrial. During these situations, it’s best to hire a new lawyer for a case review.

If someone is facing criminal charges or they need to appeal a prior conviction, they should contact a local defense lawyer as quickly as possible. Visit the website. today to schedule a no-obligation consultation. You can also watch video on their YouTube channel.