Whether you’re trying to lose weight or wake up earlier each morning, it’s important to get lots of quality rest. If you’re not getting a lot of sleep, this can impact your ability to effectively do your job, be present with your family or lead a productive, happy life. In order to improve the quality of your sleep, consider the following tips.
Turn Down the Temperature
It’s a wise idea to consider turning down the temperature a few degrees each night. When you do this, you’ll naturally want to snuggle up under the covers to get warm. Even turning the temperature down one or two degrees in the bedroom can make a big difference. If you don’t want to do that, you can always purchase a portable fan. Point it in the direction of your bed to help you fall asleep faster.
Avoid Stimulating Agents After Midday
While coffee and Vitamin B12 might be excellent when you’re trying to maintain energy to get through the day, it’s not great to consume when you’re preparing for bed. If you can help it, try not to consume any coffee or energizing stimulants after noon.
Consider Professional Assistance
If you struggle with sleep apnea or another sleep disorder, it’s really important to get a sleep apnea machine to help you sleep. Go see your primary care physician to get a referral for the right doctor to help you with any sleeping issues. When you take this route, you might even be able to get your insurance to cover the costs of your sleep apnea machine.
As you work on developing a system that allows you to get optimal rest, know that it might be frustrating in the beginning. However, as you become more consistent with efforts, you’ll begin to reap the benefits. When you’re able to get more rest, your mind and body will feel more clear, alert and present.