Top Reasons Why You Should Consider Bed Bug Sniffing Dogs in Edison, NJ

by | Mar 21, 2023 | Pest Control

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You may notice red itchy spots on your face, neck or hands and have no idea where they are coming from. It could be bed bugs but the only way to be sure is to find the culprits. However, finding them is not easy. Bed bugs are tiny bloodsuckers that love hiding in crevices of beds and other furniture. You may require the services of bed bug-sniffing dogs in Edison, NJ. Here are the benefits of going for this option.


Dogs have 300 million olfactory receptors which mean that their sense of smell is great. Once they are trained on sniffing a certain substance, they can do it accurately. Bed bug sniffing dogs are trained to accurately sniff bed bugs in different stages of development, from eggs to adults.


You should not rely on a human to inspect your beds for bed bugs. They will take a long time and may not do it accurately. On the other hand, dogs can do the job faster. They can smell the scent of bed bugs from far which means they will walk directly to an infested room as soon as they walk in the front door.

Save Money

Bed bug sniffing dogs in Edison, NJ costs just a few dollars. After determining if you have a bed bug infestation you can make the right decision. Using sniffing dogs to identify the problem before calling for extermination is good because you are less likely to waste money on unnecessary measures.

Convinced that you need to use bed bug-sniffing dogs? Visit “Company Name” to find out more about the best-trained bed bug sniffing dogs in Edison, “Company Name”