While many people go their entire lives without ever doing any type of drugs or taking one single drink of alcohol, the sad truth is that over 22 million people in America need to be in rehabs in Oklahoma. It is also staggering to discover the number of people who never receive help for their addiction. Many of them just don’t know the signs. If you feel that you have a problem, but aren’t sure if you need to be in a rehab, read on below for some of the top signs of addiction to watch out for. It is also vital that drug and alcohol addicts don’t try and self-detox, as this can be very dangerous, when it’s not medically supervised.
You Doctor Says Your Health Problems are Due to Substance Abuse
Any type of drug will eventually have long-term effects on your health. Alcohol causes damage to not only your liver but your heart and brain as well. Some other types of drugs can slow down your breathing until you are at risk for brain damage and those are only a few. If your substance abuse is affecting your health, then it’s time to check out the rehabs in Oklahoma today without delay.
You Experience Withdrawal Symptoms when You do Without
If you can go for long periods of time without your drug of choice and have no effects, then you are probably not a candidate for rehab, though you may be before long. If you experience headaches, paranoia, you can’t sleep or become extremely irritable when you do without your drug of choice for any length of time; then you probably need to check into getting help.
These are just a few of the top signs that you need to consider checking into rehab before it is too late. Remember, your very life could depend on the decision you make today.