Types of Sedation Dentistry in Broken Arrow OK

by | Oct 4, 2019 | Dental Health

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Some children, just like adults, can fear dental care procedures. This is especially common if a child has experienced a traumatic dental or medical experience in the past. It is important parents know when to seek Sedation Dentistry in Broken Arrow OK. Sedation dentistry is used for many purposes and can help children to go through dental experiences without stress.

Types of Sedation Dentistry for Children

When children are afraid of dental care, they may find it difficult to seek treatment. Some children are so overwhelmed with dental treatment they are even afraid to seek teeth cleaning. If a child appears overly fearful of the dentist, it is important to discuss the options for treatment. Knowing the types of sedation that are available for children will help to ease a child and their parent’s mind.

When a child is simply getting their teeth cleaned, they will likely be given some gas that helps them relax but does not put them fully to sleep. This is the mildest form of sedation and is used when children are a little nervous.

There is also the option for deeper sedation which can be done via IV or medications given orally. These medications can put a child to sleep without being under anesthesia. Some children will need full general anesthesia when they are having certain types of surgery. The type the dentist uses will depend on the dental procedure being carried out and how nervous the child is about their dental care.

What to Expect

The child will first be examined by the doctor to determine the best course of sedation. It is important parents remain calm and upbeat during the appointment so the child does not sense any nervousness coming from the parent.

The dentist will explain everything that will be done during treatment and answer any questions the parent may have. Parents who want to learn more about sedation dentistry should contact Kid’s Dental right away. They work with children of all ages and provide a range of dental treatments, including those carried out under anesthesia. Call today if you would like to schedule your child’s appointment. You can also connect them on Facebook.