Understanding the Primary Causes of Bike Crashes in Scottsdale, AZ

by | Feb 6, 2024 | Legal Services

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A bicycle accident law firm in Scottsdale, AZ is going to see a variety of accidents that take place throughout the year. One of the primary causes of bike crashes in Scottsdale, AZ, is a bike getting hit by a speeding car, truck, or other vehicle. If a car drives even a little bit faster than the speed limit, there is an increasing risk associated with any collision with a bike. When a car speeds, its stopping distance is also increased. Sadly, speeding drivers lead to several bicycle fatalities in Arizona each year.

Another reason that a good bicycle accident law firm in Scottsdale, AZ might see for bicycle crashes is speeding drivers who run red lights. Drivers who make illegal left U-turns often collide with oncoming bicyclists in the opposite lane. Some drivers do a poor job of judging the space needed for bicyclists, so they provide the bicycle with insufficient space when passing. Other drivers do not respect bicycle lanes and illegally enter bike lanes. It’s common for drivers or passengers to open their car doors without checking to see that a bicyclist is approaching. They might be careless or inattentive when driving, or they could be driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs.

On the other side of the coin, some non-driver factors can cause a bicycle crash. These include poorly marked construction sites, roadway hazards, debris, and other dangerous road conditions. If a public or city agency is at fault for the crash, they may also be responsible for compensating injured bikers.