Videonystagmography: What is VNG?

by | May 4, 2022 | Health

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Organs, nerves, and components in the inner ear make up your vestibular system. It is the main center of balance and stability in your body. Our eyes, awareness of touch, and our brain all work together and communicate to create the vestibular system and maintain an equilibrium.

Videonystagmography or VNG is a test that determines whether you have a problem with your vestibular system or the area of your brain that is responsible for helping you maintain balance.

Symptoms of a vestibular disorder primarily include dizziness or vertigo, lightheadedness, and a staggering walk. Other symptoms can include nystagmus, tinnitus, pressure in the ear, or confusion.

Patients are required to sit in a dark room and wear special goggles during the VNG assessment. Infrared cameras inside the goggles monitor and report their eye movements. During the test, certain eye movements are evaluated in reaction to a specific stimulus.

In addition to ocular testing, positional testing and caloric testing are used to help determine the root cause of your symptoms. An audiologist, otolaryngologist, or neurologist are specialized doctors who conduct a VNG test.

We provide this thorough evaluation procedure overseen by a board certified MD specialist that can correctly detect several of the causes of impaired balance or vertigo. Our specialists can help you with balance testing if you’re experiencing any of the following symptoms:

• Difficulty navigating in the dark or in escalators, elevators, or on changing surfaces.
• Vertigo or disorientation from moving your head quickly.
• An unsteady feeling while walking.
• Foot placement difficulty.
• Difficulty going up or downstairs