What A Horse Owner Needs To Know Before Visiting A Feed Store In Folsom CA

by | Aug 28, 2015 | Convenience Stores

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Horse owners have to make sure that their horses eat balanced diets. Some of the things needed for a balanced diet can be purchased at a feed store in Folsom CA, while other things a person may already have on hand. Although it’s best to know how to feed a horse before purchasing one, it’s never too late to learn proper horse nutrition. Keeping a horse properly fed can help the horse live long and perform better. The horse will also be less likely to get sick or injured if the right diet is followed.

When shopping at a Feed store in Folsom CA, it’s important to realize the difference between feeds and supplements. A horse owner can buy feed as the main source of food for their horses. This is because feeds are loaded with quality carbohydrates, protein, essential fats, and vitamins. There are also feeds that are meant do be a much smaller part of a balanced nutritional program. As for supplements, they are designed for horses that might need additional nutritional support for whatever reason. For example, horses that have to perform in races might require supplements. Also, horses with certain medical conditions might need supplements. An animal doctor can tell a horse owner whether or not a horse needs supplementation.

Water is an often overlooked component of a horse’s diet. People spend so much time focusing on feed and supplements that they forget that horses need to drink a lot of water each and every day. A healthy horse can easily drink more than ten gallons of water per day. If the horse is doing a lot of labor or physical activity, that number can triple. A horse should have access to water at all times so that the horse can drink whenever the horse feels thirsty. It’s important to get the water from clean water sources. Contaminated water sources can easily make a horse sick. If there are a lot of horses on the land, the sickness could easily spread. If a horse gets dehydrated, other complications may soon arise. A horse can even become injured due to dehydration.