There are many things that can cause an access amount of algae to build up in your pool. No matter what the cause is one thing is certain; pool algae is not something that you want to have. If you have algae, then you will need to determine where it is coming from and then make a plan to get rid of it before the problem gets out of control. Knowing what causes the algae and how to take care of it will help you keep your pool looking its very best.
Causes of Pool Algae
Understanding the causes of the algae in your pool can help you determine how to take care of the issue. One of the main reasons for algae buildup is not having enough pool sanitizer in the water. The sanitizer helps keep algae and other harmful organisms at bay and prevent disgusting and unhealthy build-ups. Another key factor in having a properly functioning pool is water circulation. The pool pump must run for a long enough time to stir things up and move them around to prevent algae from growing. Another factor that can cause algae to accumulate in your pool is having the wrong pH level, not shocking your pool to keep the levels correct, not using a stabilizer or having too much phosphate in the water.
Consistency is the Key to Reducing Algae Build-Up
When you are taking care of a pool the key to achieving the results that you want with clear and clean water is consistency. If you forget to take care of the pool it will begin to get dirty and unhealthy almost immediately. A pool that sits and does not get the proper treatment on a set schedule is more susceptible to bacterial growths, harmful organisms and an overall murky appearance. In addition to cleaning and treating the pool regularly it is also important to get the water moving around through the use of a pool filter. Keeping up with a consistent maintenance program may seem time consuming or expensive but it is actually more cost effective to maintain your pool and keep it clean than to have to clean it out if it gets too dirty. Keeping up with a regular schedule to clean and treat your pool will save you time and money and ensure that you always have a pristine and safe pool to enjoy on those sweltering hot days.