What Is A Cosmetic Dentist Lubbock TX

by | Jun 5, 2013 | Dental Services

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A Cosmetic Dentist in Lubbock TX is a dentist who specializes in aesthetics. He or she performs services that brighten smiles and correct issues such as over or under bites. They also repair damaged teeth and replace those that are missing and create a more aesthetically pleasing smile overall.

Bonding or veneers are one of the more popular services provided by a cosmetic dentist. He or she creates a thin porcelain device that fits securely over the front of the tooth. This option corrects extensive damage due to breakage or decay. The device is secured to the tooth with the use of a bonding agent.

Crowns and bridges are utilized to replace missing teeth. They are also used to correct damage. To install crowns a dentist grinds down the affected tooth or teeth into cone shapes. The crowns are situated over these cone-shaped teeth and secured with an adhesive. Bridges fill in missing spaces and possess one crown at both ends of each section installed into the mouth.

Implants are an alternative to crowns and bridges. These options require a titanium root that is initially installed following an extraction, if needed. The implanted tooth is installed several weeks later after the incision heals from the root installation. The finished product provides the look, feel, and functionality of a natural tooth.

A cosmetic Dentist Lubbock TX also performs standard services in a clinical setting. This includes routine cleanings, x-rays, and fluoride treatments. He or she performs other services like a traditional dentist such as root canals, sealants, and fillings. Most cosmetic services are available through most dental facilities; however, some dentists specialize in only basic services.

Basic dental services like cosmetics are sometimes considered preventive while also restorative. Routine cleanings and x-rays help a cosmetic or traditional dentist to identify cavities and other issues before major damage occurs. Sealants restore the grooves of teeth used primarily for chewing and restore this ability.

Some cosmetic dentists provide a wide spectrum of services in addition to elective options. Dentists who offer more than one form of dental services didn’t possess limitations. However, some cosmetic dentists choose to specialize in pediatrics instead of offering services through a family practice. Visit dyalfamilydentistry.com to schedule appointment with cosmetic dentist.