What is Reverse Osmosis?

by | Aug 3, 2018 | Water Proofing

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Reverse osmosis water filtration is a process that separates impurities in the water either at the point of entry or point of use. Water under pressure is worse through a membrane and contaminants that are larger than micron measurement of the pores are excluded. Treated water is then immediately available by tap, or storable in a tank.

What It Can Do

According to the CDC, reverse osmosis water system is highly effective in removing pathogens such as Cryptosporidium, E. coli, and Norovirus. These parasites, bacteria, and viruses are screened out when passing through the membrane. A reverse osmosis water system can also reduce chlorides, metals such as copper and lead, and may reduce fluoride, radium, and sulfates. Additionally, a reverse osmosis water system may also soften water by removing calcium, magnesium, and potassium from the water. Reverse osmosis can also remove chloramines, which are a byproduct of water treatment. The EPA also notes that reverse osmosis can remove radio nuclei such as radium and uranium.

What It Can’t Do

There are some industrial and agricultural chemicals that reverse osmosis can’t remove. Additionally, gaseous contaminants such as radon or carbon dioxide can’t be removed by passing through the membrane. Colloidal chemicals and minerals may also be passed through the membrane as they are smaller than the pores. It is possible to pair a reverse osmosis water system with an additional method that will remove these hazards water.

Study Reverse Osmosis

There are multiple resources available online that can help you decide on the best system for you and your home. Whether you use reverse osmosis as a standalone system, or with another type of water purification, it is important to study the maintenance of your chosen system and maintain it as directed so that your water will continue to be pure and healthful.