If you’ve been involved in a car accident where the other person has left the scene, then you want to hire an attorney who can handle your case and get you the compensation that you deserve. Here are a few tips to keep in mind when you begin your search.
Free Consult
When you’re looking for a hit-and-run attorney in Chicago, try to look for those who offer a free consultation. While you might not have a lot of time to explain all of the details about the accident, you can get a better idea of how the attorney can help you and give them any kind of information that pertains to the case so that they can go ahead and get started if you decide to hire them.
A benefit of a hit-and-run attorney in Chicago is that they might not charge a fee until they win your case. This often means that they will fight harder on your behalf since they won’t get paid if you don’t win. When the settlement is awarded, then the attorney will usually simply take a percentage of that amount. Make sure you get the percentage details in writing so that the attorney doesn’t take more than they should.
Your attorney should be someone who communicates about your claim. They should also take the time to gather information about the other driver and work to ensure that the other driver is charged to the fullest extent of the law due to leaving the scene of an accident. If you are seeking a hit-and-run attorney in Chicago, then Shea Law Group is a great choice for you as they have a team that stands by your side till the end of the process.