What Type of Senior Living Communities in Chicago North Shore, IL Are Available?

by | Jan 31, 2018 | Assisted Living Facility

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Inevitably, many of us get to an age where a serious discussion about senior living communities becomes a reality. It can be a discussion that is highly emotional for many people, and can provoke feelings of guilt, anger, resentment, and fear. The good news is that there are different types of living facilities available, and there is no one-size-fits-all solution.

The Different Types of Senior Facilities

Though many people think that all old people are much the same, the truth is that everyone is different. It is true that elderly people generally have more health needs, but there are a range of needs and just as many senior living communities in Chicago North Shore, IL to meet those needs.

The following are three different types of senior living communities:

* Assisted living: As we get older, our health needs also tend to increase. Life is never as simple as this though, and many people in this situation also want to retain as much of their independence as possible. Assisted living facilities provide 24 hour on-site health care for residents who need it, but also encourage as much independence as possible. There are also staff available to assist with simple tasks such as cleaning, and social events designed to help residents make new friends.

* Memory care: Intended for elderly people with serious memory illnesses like dementia and Alzheimer’s, these facilities provide high dependency care and special programs aimed at improving the quality of life of residents.

* Independent: Not all elderly people have serious health needs. For those that retain much of their independence, health, and social links, independent living facilities are a great option. They offer self-contained homes or units and plenty of freedom.

Choosing the Right Facility

There are a wide range of senior living arrangements available, and choosing the right one can be daunting. The good news is that Oasis Senior Advisors – Chicago North Shore have the experience to guide their clients to the right decision. You can also connect them on Facebook.