What You Should Know about a Heating and AC System Installation in Phoenix

by | May 20, 2022 | HVAC Contractors

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If your current HVAC system has been around for a while, you may want to look into having it replaced. Today’s HVAC products run more efficiently and can therefore save you a great deal of money on your ongoing energy costs. Products that cover home comfort in this respect include furnaces, heat pumps, geothermal systems, whole-house air cleaners, ductless systems, radiant heaters, and hybrid-type heaters.

Pay More Money to Save More Money

You may not realize it, but half of the amount that you pay for energy goes toward heating and cooling your home. Therefore, when you choose a furnace replacement today, you will experience a much higher level of efficiency. That is because approximately 97% of the amount you pay for fuel or natural gas goes toward heat conversion. While a high-efficiency heating and AC system installation in Phoenix will cost more money initially, it will also allow you to save more money in the long run.

A Geothermal System

A geothermal heating and AC system installation in Phoenix is one type of heating and cooling upgrade that does not use fossil fuels. Again, the upfront expense for such systems is higher. However, what you pay also pays for itself after a short period. Rather than using fossil fuels to heat or cool your home, the system uses the temperature of the ground to increase indoor comfort.

Heat Pump Systems

Companies such as Worlock AC Heating Specialist also offer increased heating and cooling efficiency as a result of the installation of heat pumps. These energy-efficient systems can save the residential consumer about 30% in energy costs when contrasted with more traditional systems.

Ductless Heating and Cooling

You can also save quite a lot of money energy-wise with a ductless heating and AC system installation in Phoenix. This type of upgrade heats and cools a home without the need for ductwork. Homeowners can enjoy comfort control for each room in their home as well as air circulation that is noiseless. Consumers report saving as much as 50% in energy costs as a result of this type of installation. Visit Worlock AC Heating Specialist online for more details.