When Do You Know You Are Faced With A Pet Emergency?

by | Jun 23, 2017 | Animal Health

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Pets are wonderful, they bring their “humans” a great deal of joy and they ask for little more than love and food in return. The problem with all pets is their inability to speak; they can’t wake you up in the middle of the night and tell you they are not feeling well.

Don’t feel embarrassed about calling:

Because pet owners are not vets they really don’t know if the problem is one that requires immediate attention or not. This being the case, there is absolutely no reason why you should feel embarrassed about calling an emergency vet in Chicago. Vets are used to these things happening and they are well prepared to deal with them.

The better veterinary hospitals have vets on call or they will refer you to an emergency vet hospital, don’t think for a minute you will be disturbing anyone.

No one knows your pet better than you do, if you believe it is acting abnormal or there is something that is “not quite right” you may have identified the beginnings of what could be a real problem. Usually, you can get connected to the vet, by asking a few pointed questions and answering a few questions posed by the vet, he or he will be in a good position to tell you whether you should take your pet to the vet immediately or if it is something that can wait until office hours.

Even if there is absolutely nothing wrong, you will rest easy knowing that it was the vet that gave the all clear signal.

You should be prepared:

You never know when your pet will need emergency care. Talk to your vet, find out what their emergency protocol is; is the hospital open around the clock or do they refer patients after hours. Always keep the telephone number of your emergency vet in Chicago handy, if you are caught off-guard with a pet emergency you will be able to take immediate action.

Your pet can fall ill or be injured at any time. If you are looking for an excellent emergency vet in Chicago please do not hesitate to call Metropolitan Veterinary Center or visit website for more details.