Who Should You Choose for Your Medical Infusion Needs?

by | Jan 5, 2018 | Health

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Looking for a medical infusion center? You have come to the right place. Here are three great reasons to choose Vasco Infusion as your home for infusion therapy:

Comfort: Free Wi-Fi and Personal TVs at Most Centers

Here at Vasco Infusion, we are not just concerned about your health but also your comfort. That is why we offer free Wi-Fi at all of our centers and personal TVs at most of our centers. This allows you to stay in touch with friends, get a little work accomplished or just tune into your favorite TV show. Whatever it is that brings you comfort, our medical infusion team wants to provide it to the best of our ability.

Private Rooms Offered

We understand that if you are coming in to see us for cancer or MS treatment that you may have some side effects to deal with during your stay. A private room may help you to feel a little more at ease as you settle into the treatment that is going to help you feel better in the long term. Remember, if you experience any side effects let one of our staff know so that we can assist you.

We Accept Most Insurances

From Medicare to other insurances, we accept most plans at Vasco Infusion. This is because we want to make our services available to as many patients as possible. If you are unsure if you are covered, please visit our site for a complete list of insurance providers that we work with or give our friendly infusion insurance specialists a call to learn more.

Vasco Infusion is always happy to hear from our patients and future ones. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our staff today. We look forward to hearing from you!