In the Greater New York metropolitan area, there is not a lot of farming going on. There is certainly not enough to feed the huge population that calls the area home. Yet the amount of food that gets consumed every day is staggering. It is a constant struggle to keep food coming into wholesale distribution points and then move it on out to the actual retailers in the area. Interrupt that process for even a short time and chaos will soon ensue.
This vast enterprise depends on companies that have established long-term relationships with food growers and producers. The issue is not only one of quantity. Quality, healthful products are an absolute requirement for the organizations that serve as the middle link in the long chain between farm and dinner table. They are the first line of defense when it comes to preventing tainted food from entering the distribution network.
Because of the way that the regional transportation network is laid out, wholesale food distributors in New Jersey play an important role in this gigantic enterprise. Anyone interested in operating any sort of food-based business inside the metro area needs to build up a relationship with one of these wholesalers so that their supply of foodstuffs is assured of arrival on time and in the proper quantities.
One of the oldest and most-respected names in the business is Woolco Foods Inc, For more than 30 years, they have been keeping food on the table for people in the entire NYC metro area. Follow us on Instagram for further updates.