Why Do People Choose Dental Veneers in Bellevue NE?

by | Jan 25, 2018 | Dental Health

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Having a beautiful smile allows individuals to smile with confidence, without being worried about the appearance of their teeth. When a person is considering Dental Veneers in Bellevue NE, they need to know all they can about the procedure so they can decide whether or not they should choose veneers.

What are Dental Veneers?

Dental veneers are thin sheets of tooth-shaped porcelain that are made to fit precisely over a person’s prepared teeth. Before the veneers can be made, the dentist will need to remove a very small sliver of enamel from each of the teeth being fitted with a veneer. Removing this thickness allows for the proper fit of the veneer without causing any teeth protrusion that would make the smile look unnatural.

Once the teeth have each been prepared, the dentist will create a model of the teeth with impression material. These models will be sent back to the dental lab so the veneers can be created. This takes a couple of weeks. If needed, the dentist can offer temporary veneers until the permanent ones are crafted by the dental lab.

When the dental veneers are finished, the patient will return to the dentist where each veneer will be fitted. The dentist will temporarily place each veneer and check for its size, shape, and color to ensure all of the veneers fit precisely together to form a beautiful smile.

What Should Patients Know?

Anyone considering Dental Veneers in Bellevue NE should know veneers can last up to twenty years but will need maintenance and eventual replacement. Veneers can become damaged so a person should not chew on ice or hard candy which can lead to cracking.

Teeth that have veneers can still experience decay so it is imperative a person brushes and flosses twice a day and sees their dentist as often as recommended. If a cavity develops in a tooth with a veneer, the dentist would likely need to remove the veneer, treat the tooth, and then replace the veneer.

Individuals who are interested in having dental veneers put in place should seek the dentist for a consultation appointment. Call the office of Westwood Dental to get started. Like us on Facebook.