Why Wear Fire Resistant Clothing?

by | Aug 9, 2016 | Shopping

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Flame resistant clothing is far more common in industry due in part to updated industry safety standards as well as voluntary performance standards. A prime example of this is the national consensus standard established by NFPA, National Fire Protection Association. This standard establishes guidelines for those involved in industries where there are electrical hazards for example. Many industries in the US have numerous areas where there are fire hazards, hence the increased awareness of the importance of flame resistant coveralls and other types of flame resistant garments.

The importance of fire resistant coveralls:

There are two questions that every employer must answer:

   *   Are there employees in the company that need to wear fire resistant clothing?

   *   What do we have to do to comply with the standards and regulations?

Fire resistant clothing must resist ignition in the first place or self-extinguish, will not melt, provide insulation from heat, reduce burn injuries and resist opening and exposing skin.

The primary hazards:

Fire resistant coveralls have been designed to provide two specific hazards; a flash fire and fire from an electric ac flash. A flash fire is one that is caused by explosive vapors from a hydrocarbon or fine dust such as grain. Temperatures in a flash fire can easily exceed 1500 degrees F.

An electric arc flash is almost instantaneous; it can take less than a second. The flash explosion generates phenomenal heat, pressure wave and molten debris.

Flash fires are a real hazard in industries such a petrochemical and metallurgy where a product or byproduct is combustible. Arc flash is a primary hazard in the electric utility industry.

Why compliance is important:

Although the use of flame resistant coveralls and other clothing is mandated is it also important to stress the benefits to those who have to wear such clothing. The safety and health of employees is of paramount importance, when employees know their employer cares about their safety and well being it is easy for employees to align themselves with a corporate safety culture.

It is important that employees that work in hazardous environments are well protected from fire. Many companies have found that flame resistant coveralls are acceptable garments for this purpose. For further information you are invited to visit the online shop of domain URL.