Why You Need the Services of a Bankruptcy Attorney in York Pennsylvania

by | Sep 20, 2013 | Lawyers and Law Firms

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Fortunately, people in the state of Pennsylvania as well as residents of all the other states in America have at their disposal certain financial measures they can take to help when their personal or business finances take a turn for the worst. Many people will do a great deal of work to straighten out their finances but in some cases, typically as a last resort, people and businesses choose to file for bankruptcy. If you’re one of those people that have exhausted every other means of ironing out your business or personal finances and you are considering bankruptcy, it’s in your best interest to contact a bankruptcy attorney in York.

One of the questions that are so frequently asked about bankruptcy attorneys is why these attorneys are so necessary in the bankruptcy process. While it is true that you can navigate the bankruptcy process on your own, having an attorney makes things much more convenient and helps you to better understand what can be a complicated process.

Even the initial stages of filing a petition for bankruptcy with the courts is only a small indication of how complicated this process can be. Depending on the bankruptcy filing, some bankruptcy petitions can be anywhere from 30 to 60 pages long and involved a great deal of complicated information that needs to be included properly otherwise the petition will be denied. In addition to this initial phase of bankruptcy, there are mandatory meetings that you may have to have with your creditors, court mandated financial counseling and a handful of required court dates that you and your attorney will have to attend.

This is just a small sampling of the process of bankruptcy in the state of Pennsylvania. For that reason, if you live in the York area, your best option is to make a point to setting up a consultation with The Law Offices of John M. Hyams. These bankruptcy attorneys can help you to determine if your situation requires bankruptcy and if it does, you can retain their services to represent you in what can be a very complicated and difficult process of successfully completing a bankruptcy proceeding.