You can purchase a full library of books on how to promote your business and ensure that your customers instantly recognize your brand and logo. Although you may wish one day to become as global as Amazon, Google, and other large, well-known brands, you can still become an instantly recognized brand within your own town or state by promoting yourself consistently as a brand, starting with custom printed receipt books.
Promote Your Business When Customers Pay
Custom printing is one of the most effective ways that you can keep your name in front of current and prospective customers.
Even small custom printed receipt books provide you with the opportunity to present a miniature billboard so that you can consistently keep your name, brand, and logo in front of your customers, in all the literature that you produce.
Some customers may not know you or your business at all and have purchased your item by chance, perhaps meeting you at a market or a fair. To prove that you have paid for your item and to promote your business, offering custom printed receipt books confirms the impression that you are professional.
Offering a receipt is an item that most individuals will keep, in case they need to return it at a later stage.
This may be your first introduction for customers to effectively see your brand and logo and as they deal with you or your organization in the future, this consistent branding will help remind them of who you are, what you do and what your brand represents.
Consider Your Budget
In any organization, you will always have to consider the amount you have available to spend on your marketing and advertising budget. You should make difficult decisions about the best way to promote your brand.
Any items that you decide to custom print with your logo and branding should be practical and useful for your customer, and a receipt for their purchase matches that requirement.