You Can Replace Missing Teeth with Restorations

by | May 2, 2019 | Dental Services

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If you have missing teeth, then replacing these teeth with restorations is an important part of improving your smile. Dental care in Scottsdale Arizona dentists can examine your mouth and collect X-rays to determine what types of restorations are required to replace your missing teeth. When you want a less expensive and noninvasive way to repair your smile, a dentist can create a dental bridge that is customized to fit correctly in your mouth. This dental appliance is made from plastic resins or durable metals, and it will hold one or more dental crowns.

Request Upper or Lower Dentures

When you have numerous missing teeth on the top or bottom of your mouth, you can order dentures from a dental care Scottsdale Arizona expert. Upper dentures are made with plastic support that fits across your palate and on your gum ridges, but a lower denture is only supported by the plastic support on the gum ridges at the bottom of your mouth. A dentist will make sure that your dentures fit firmly in your mouth to prevent slippage, but if the items are too tight, then you could develop sores in your mouth. It is essential to learn how to insert and remove your dentures correctly.

Learn More about Dental Implants

To have permanent and modern dental restorations for missing teeth, you can select dental implants. A dental care Scottsdale Arizona dentist will anesthetize you to drill holes in your gum tissue where titanium posts are inserted. After the metal posts are in your mouth’s alveolar bones, screws are added to the posts, and these screws are designed for holding full-size customized dental crowns. These restorations will remain in your mouth unless your dentist removes the items for a cleaning or a repair.