You Don’t Have to Settle for a Lemon

by | Jul 7, 2017 | Law Services

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Did you just purchase a vehicle only to learn that it doesn’t operate properly? If so, then you just bought a lemon. You don’t have to settle for a vehicle that doesn’t live up to its manufacturer’s warranty, especially in the state of Virginia. You are protected by the Virginia Lemon Law. The law directly relates to trucks and cars that have developed significant problems that are recurring after you have purchased a vehicle. Lemon law for the state of Virginia are a combination of Federal law that protects consumers who purchase a lemon, and works hard to force the manufacturer to honor their vehicular obligations. You could be provided with a new, working car that you originally thought you were purchasing to begin with.

Find Out if Your Vehicle Is Covered Under the Law

In the state of Virginia, you are protected under the law if you purchase a passenger vehicle that carries no more than ten people, this includes the driver. It also covers panel trucks that weigh 7,5000 pounds or less, pickups. Mopeds, motorcycles and self-propelled motor home chassis’. Some other vehicles that aren’t mentioned may also be protected by The Federal Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act, or the Federal Lemon Law. It covers all other types of consumer automobiles and other consumer products such as household goods, appliances and electronics.

Seek Relief Via the Lemon Law

It’s important that you are able to find relief when you’ve purchased a faulty vehicle. Under the law, if a manufacturer fails to fix the problem and has made a reasonable attempt, then you are allowed to seek legal relief. The manufacturer must either provide you with a new car or a full refund. You also do not have to accept the replacement vehicle, you have the right to demand a full refund instead. In order to get the assistance you need it’s wise to hire a lemon law attorney that can make sure you get the compensation you deserve to the full extent of the law. For more information contact Krohn & Moss, Ltd. Consumer Law Center® or visit