You Know You Need a Fire Extinguisher, But Which Class?

by | Dec 27, 2016 | Safety Equipment Supplies

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The installation of portable fire extinguishers is essential within any home or business, but you do need to know the differences between the varied classes of fire extinguishers and which fires they can deal with. You may have been introduced to water or CO2 extinguishers at school or at work, but knowing that the class D fire extinguisher should be used for combustible metals is a better level of knowledge.

What are metal fires?

These are a collection of potentially dangerous fires including those caused by magnesium, sodium, lithium and aluminum. A water fire extinguisher used on a metal fire would cause the fire to become worse and the dry powder class D fire extinguisher would be urgently required.

The Most Common Class of Fires

Wood, cloth and paper are listed under as a class A fire, while class B fires are for petrol, grease, oils, spirits and fires powered by flammable liquids. Propane, butane and other flammable gases are dealt with under the list of class E fires. Often for kitchen use, cooking oil and fat fires are dealt with as class F.

Whether you choose portable fire extinguishers for home use, at work or elsewhere, everyone will benefit when all potential individuals have been trained in the use of selecting the correct fire extinguisher and shown how to use the appropriate model, when a small fire breaks out.

You shouldn’t wait and use a portable fire extinguisher if a large fire has been located, as your time is better used helping evacuate everyone from the property and contacting the fire department, to help you with your dangerous situation.

Your fire extinguishers will be marked with information about the type of fire they can be used with. Learning the basics may save lives and knowing the difference between a class D fire extinguisher for combustible metals or a water extinguisher for class A fires, is important information.

All portable fire extinguishers should be tested annually so that they are fit for use, should a fire begin.